Raise money for Support Our Troops
Appuyons nos troupes a été créée en 2007 pour répondre aux besoins uniques et aux défis particuliers auxquels font face les membres de la communauté des Forces armées canadiennes en raison du service militaire. Elle mène ses activités dans le contexte des Services de bien-être et moral des Forces canadiennes.
De plus, Appuyons nos troupes offre un soutien financier pour promouvoir la résilience des familles et favoriser le rétablissement, la réadaptation et la réintégration des militaires qui ont une maladie ou une blessure physique ou mentale.
Reconnue par le ruban jaune devenu marque de commerce, l’organisation fournit également aux particuliers et aux entreprises l’occasion de montrer leur compassion et leur soutien aux militaires actifs, aux vétérans et à leurs familles au moyen de dons, de la participation à des événements communautaires et d’activités de collecte de fonds.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Soldier On
Raised: $23,910.17
Operation Greendot 3.0
Raised: $7,178.66
Team BMO
Raised: $4,392.81
The Irish Regiment of Canada
Raised: $4,269.92
Land Systems-Canada's Dynamic Dashers
Raised: $3,896.23
RCSU Pacific Interior
Raised: $3,016.63
CFHS 0011
Raised: $2,916.05
In Memory of Private Thomas Welch
Raised: $2,721.45
Support Our Troops
Raised: $2,291.61
GDMS-C Calgary
Raised: $2,218.92
Ontario Athletic Therapists Association
Raised: $1,857.46
Pacific Sirens
Raised: $1,752.44
Team DMO
Raised: $1,733.59
Tijuana Thundercats
Raised: $1,551.93
Raised: $1,528.61
Raised: $1,442.72
11 Fd Regt - RCA (Serving and Retired)
Raised: $1,268.64
Friends of Soldier On
Raised: $1,207.59
Kate and Anthony
Raised: $1,150.00
Beare Run
Raised: $1,148.41
Calg Highrs
Raised: $1,051.59
The Glamour Boys
Raised: $1,025.94
In Memory of Cpl. Brian Pinksen
Raised: $1,007.38
Matthew Desaulniers Memorial
Raised: $896.17
Transport Canada (Inspectors)
Raised: $851.18
Team Bolger
Raised: $841.54
4th Regt (GS)
Raised: $841.47
Team Manulife
Raised: $830.69
Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics
Raised: $819.01
Raised: $781.14
41 Combat Engineer Regiment
Raised: $759.19
The Back Bar
Raised: $709.50
Team Abbigail Cowwbrough
Raised: $680.93
Army of Run - PwC Ottawa
Raised: $680.52
Illuminate the Way - COATS 2020
Raised: $671.89
The Pronko Pact
Raised: $632.20
Agony of DeFeet
Raised: $624.91
Mighty Maroon Machine (5 Cdn Div)
Raised: $624.38
The 1440 Affiliate (Waterloo)
Raised: $596.24
Deputy Commander Canadian Army's Team
Raised: $566.85
Raised: $541.40
Velox Soles
Raised: $540.00
Support our Troops - (In Memory of Sgt. M. Edwards: "Action from Knowledge" - C Int C)
Raised: $528.31
Champlain Champions 5K
Raised: $492.71
An Army Cadet and an Air Cadet walk into a CTC...
Raised: $466.02
Team Superheroes
Raised: $461.99
The Litter Bearers
Raised: $444.26
Team Called to Serve
Raised: $408.31
Raised: $398.53
Raised: $398.31
Brockville Rifles
Raised: $379.72
Jeunes IHEDN Canada
Raised: $376.41
6 Int Coy - 7 Pl
Raised: $367.63
Raised: $362.26
CFRC Hamilton/Atlantic Platoon
Raised: $337.99
Droit au But!
Raised: $323.00
Raised: $317.29
32 MP Platoon
Raised: $316.57
1 Combat Engineer Regiment
Raised: $312.94
Wingham Cadets
Raised: $303.86
Pandemic Pandemonium
Raised: $302.89
Raised: $300.96
Sudo Run
Raised: $300.09
Navy Brown
Raised: $288.26
Raised: $284.87
A dentist, assistant, clerk and mechanic enter a race....
Raised: $269.32
748 GGHG Army Cadets
Raised: $269.32
4 Engineer Support Regiment
Raised: $269.32
Raised: $268.54
Sean Killin
Raised: $267.81
Yukon Do It
Raised: $264.83
Crossfit Colosseum
Raised: $254.59
Canadian Health Cube FitFam
Raised: $253.12
CFMPA Battista Platoon
Raised: $242.03
Raised: $240.24
7th Toronto Regt, RCA
Raised: $224.26
Fam Jam
Raised: $219.49
Good enough
Raised: $216.61
WROad Runners
Raised: $210.69
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders of Canada
Raised: $191.71
The Pain Killers
Raised: $162.94
35 Field Ambulance
Raised: $160.46
We Got The Runs
Raised: $158.54
Raised: $156.11
Win or lose, hit the booze
Raised: $154.63
Team Kolne
Raised: $153.17
Raised: $136.11
Queen’s York Rangers
Raised: $136.11
Team Catterill
Raised: $131.69
The Arseneau Arsenal
Raised: $127.80
Running Like a Pack of Turtles
Raised: $126.20
Commissionaires Southern Alberta
Raised: $125.83
General Dynamics
Raised: $118.31
33 Field Fam
Raised: $113.76
3rd (United Kingdom) Warfighting Division
Raised: $110.23
RCA Band
Raised: $108.31
Bucky’s brood
Raised: $108.31
Raised: $108.31
Mighty Serpent
Raised: $108.31
Eugene's Runners
Raised: $108.31
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Sep 25 | Eric Henry and family | $54.63 |
Sep 25 | Anonymous | $22.43 |
Sep 25 | Cheryl Whynott | $27.80 |
Sep 24 | Donna n Jerry | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 24 | Julie Crane | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 24 | Anonymous | $11.70 |
Sep 24 | David and Laurie Jones | $108.31 |
Sep 24 | Stephan Q | $11.70 |
Sep 24 | Sarah Gillingham | $27.80 |
Sep 24 | Tom Yeo | $54.63 |