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Help Justin raise money

For participating in Canada Army Run - Virtual

My Story…

This years Army Run will be taking just a few weeks past the 10 year anniversary of losing my best friend and brother in arms, Cpl. Brian Pinksen. Myself and Brian joined the army together in 2007 and quickly deployed to Afghanistan in 2010. Unfortunately Pinksen was hit by an IED that subsequently took his life. To honour my brother and best friend I can think of no other endeavor to commemorate him then by pushing myself physically in his memory. Pinksen was a machine of a man and prided himself on his physical prowess. I thank you in advance for any donation to the army run through my page and his memory. I would like to raise 1000$ to mark 10 years since this beauty of person left our lives. He may be gone from this world, but he has touched the spirits of everyone that had that luck to cross his path. Bloody Decks & Pro Patria!



Each year we gather in the shadow of the War Museum to run in support of the women and men who serve our country. The aviators, sailors, and soldiers of our Canadian Armed Forces wear the maple leaf as a symbol of pride and patriotism on their uniforms as they represent and protect our nation at home and abroad. Their families are the strength behind the uniform as they experience frequent moves, lengthy absences, and the risks of family members serving in physically and mentally demanding and dangerous situations.

Support Our Troops, the official charitable cause of the Canadian Armed Forces, is the beneficiary of the funds raised by Canada Army Run. It was established to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by members of the Canadian Armed Forces community as a result of their military service.

Support Our Troops champions two main objectives-  care of members with physical and/or mental health illness or injury and promoting resiliency in families. 

 Your efforts will:

  • support ill and injured members in discovering their new sense of purpose and restoring self-confidence
  • empower youth to pursue their academic dreams
  • maintain the dignity, independence, and well-being of families during financial hardship
  • send children of military families to camp bringing them a renewed energy and a support network

The funds you raise will ensure that the women and men of the Canadian armed Forces have access to the financial resources they need when they need them the most. Thank you for being there for our brave and dedicated Canadian Armed Forces women and men who will always be there for us. 

Last year, the fundraising efforts of Canada Army Run participants contributed to the positive impact made in the lives of Canadian Armed Forces members and their families.



Chaque année, nous nous rassemblons au Musée canadien de la guerre pour courir afin de soutenir les femmes et les hommes qui servent notre pays. Les aviateurs, les matelots et les soldats des Forces armées canadiennes portent sur leur uniforme la feuille d’érable, symbole de fierté et de patriotisme, alors qu’ils représentent et protègent notre pays, ici et à l’étranger. Leurs familles constituent la force derrière l’uniforme; elles vivent des déménagements fréquents, des absences prolongées et des risques associés au service lors de situations dangereuses et exigeantes physiquement et mentalement. 

Appuyons nos troupes, l’œuvre de bienfaisance officielle des Forces armées canadiennes, est le bénéficiaire des fonds recueillis dans le cadre de la Course de l’Armée du Canada. Elle a été établie pour répondre aux besoins et aux défis uniques auxquels font face les membres de la communauté des Forces armées canadiennes en raison du service militaire.  

Appuyons nos troupes vise deux objectifs principaux : prendre soin des militaires qui ont une maladie et/ou une blessure physique ou mentale et promouvoir la résilience des familles.  

Vos efforts contribueront à : 

  • aider les militaires malades ou blessés à découvrir un nouveau sens à leur existence et à retrouver la confiance en soi;
  • habiliter les jeunes à concrétiser leur rêve de poursuivre des études; 
  • maintenir la dignité, l’autonomie et le bien-être des familles lors de difficultés financières;
  • envoyer des enfants de familles de militaires à des camps, leur donnant un regain d’énergie et un réseau de soutien.

Les fonds que vous amassez permettront aux femmes et aux hommes des Forces armées canadiennes d’accéder à des ressources financières lorsqu’ils en ont le plus besoin. Merci d’être là pour ces braves femmes et hommes des Forces armées canadiennes des plus dévoués qui seront toujours là pour nous. 

L’an dernier, vos efforts en matière de collecte de fonds ont exercé un impact positif sur la vie des membres des Forces armées canadiennes et de leurs familles.  


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 27 Justin Eddison Will Never Forget you brother $70.74
Sep 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 16 Paisley Armstrong $54.63
Sep 15 Jeff McKeough To the memory of Brian $22.43
Sep 15 Matt janes Bloody decks brother! $108.31
Sep 14 Lindsay $161.98
Sep 10 Gab Ouellet $108.31
Sep 09 Arkwright In memory of Cpl Pinkerson. $108.31
Sep 07 Anonymous $27.80
Sep 04 Black Reid Get'r done pal $27.80