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Help Rachel raise money

For participating in Run to Feed the Hungry Virtual 10K/5K

My Story…

The Burlingame Family is excited to participate in the first virtual Run to Feed the Hungry event for Sacramento Food and Family Services.  We all know what a year 2020 has been for us all. For some of us in our community, the burden and consequences have been heavy. We are honored to support our community in this fun and inspiring way - we hope you join us by signing up to participate or donating to help us meet our goal! We are in this together - gobble, gobble! 5fa0d87ba4674.jpg

Donate to help Rachel raise money for Run to Feed the Hungry Virtual 10K/5K’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 10 Hugh Enjoy! What a team! $52.50