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Help Rhiya, Reyna, DJ, and Decker raise money

For participating in 53 Strong DeAthlon

My Story…

Hi, Rhiya here!

We are fundraising because we want everyone to be able to get a mammogram when needed. In 2014 we lost our Nana to breast cancer. I was only 3 years old and my sister, Reyna, was just a baby. So I have to tell my siblings all about her. Breast cancer took my Nana from us and I don't want other kids to lose their grandmothers to breast cancer too.

In 2019, we had a lemonade stand with my friend, Evie, and we raised enough money to provide two mammograms to women in need.

Please help us reach our goal this year to help more women.

Donate to help Rhiya, Reyna, DJ, and Decker raise money for 53 Strong DeAthlon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 06 Dr. Ricca and Dallie We loved your Nana too and we love all of you!!! $267.10