Why I'm Running...
I have taken part in the annual "Tamarack Race Weekend" run every year since its inception with Team Perley and once again will participate in the May 2021 event.
I have set two important goals: goal one raise $5,000.00 and goal two complete the 10K run/walk despite significant health issues this last year. My objectives leading up to the run/walk will be to progress from a once a day 30 minute walk to twice a day and eventually twice a day two 45 minute walks. My final objective is a one and half hour 10K walk.
I hope I can count on your generous support. Seniors and Veterans are at the heart of this fundraising drive. You will walk with me every step of the way through your donor support. Thank you!
Faites un don pour soutenir Daniel et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.
See Me Care!
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
Jun 11 | Dan Clapin | 150,00 $ |
Jun 09 | Brenda Miller | 35,00 $ |
Apr 30 | Joan Olinik | 50,00 $ |
Apr 23 | Robert Strachan | 350,00 $ |
Apr 13 | Steve Desroches | Montant non divulgué |
Apr 06 | Sandra Perron | Montant non divulgué |
Apr 04 | Ross Quane | 150,00 $ |
Mar 25 | ReachingYourPotential Coaching (Charles Lemieux) | Montant non divulgué |
Mar 23 | Heather Moxley | 100,00 $ |
Mar 23 | Carol Ann Banks | 100,00 $ |