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Aidez Christina and David à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021


Mon histoire…

David was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2014.  We are very grateful to our family and friends for the support you have provided over the last several years in our efforts to raise funds for research into the causes of this insidious disease. The ultimate goal of course is a cure.  We know that you make your decisions carefully about charitable giving.  If your criteria this year allow, we would appreciate any support you might be willing to offer.  'Partners Investing in Parkinson's Research' (PIPR), the group sponsoring our fundraising efforts, is steadfast in its commitment to research at the Parkinson Research Consortium (PRC)  of the Ottawa Hospital. We are pleased to be a part of PIPR and proud of the scientific excellence of the PRC.   


Faites un don pour soutenir Christina and David et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.


Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 04 Peter & Karol Walpole Let's hope this helps make a difference in the research for a cure. best wishes to all 500,00 $
May 03 The Lewis Family 1 000,00 $
Apr 28 Brian Veinotte 500,00 $