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Aidez Akos à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021


Why I'm Running...

The Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care has huge potential to improve the lives of seniors both within long-term care and beyond. Fundraising success translates into long-term financial sustainability. And it will give us the flexibility to shape the future of research in the years to come.

Running is foundational to other sports we do as a family, especially cross-country skiing. So I have learned to love it! I enjoy running even more when I have a specific goal in mind, especially when it is somewhat unrealistic. I have run a few 5Ks, 10Ks, a half-marathon and a marathon in the distant past. My plan is to crush the half-marathon time I ran about 20 years ago.

Faites un don pour soutenir Akos et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.


See Me Care!

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 21 Ted Cohen Have a great run!!! 50,00 $
May 20 Jim Have a great run Akos! Montant non divulgué
May 14 Cameron family Pain is a four letter word for a reason. Good luck my friend!! 50,00 $
May 13 Doug and Donna Brousseau well done Akos! 50,00 $
May 13 Steve Cutler Akos, Good on ya! Great cause. Steve 50,00 $
May 12 Greg Fougere 100,00 $
May 11 Alex Munter 100,00 $
May 11 Murray Young Best wishes for a good run. 50,00 $
May 11 Perley Rideau Go for it Akos!!!!! 50,00 $
May 11 Matt Power 50,00 $