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Aidez Danny à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021


Why I'm Running...

I am running 10K for the Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care because I believe older adults everywhere deserve exceptional care now and in the future. 

We all have people in our lives that have been, or will be, affected by frailty. While we can't always reverse the effects of frailty, I believe there are ways to improve quality of life, at any age. The Centre of Excellence is striving to find innovative ways that this can be achieved. 

Thank you for your support!!


Faites un don pour soutenir Danny et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.


See Me Care!

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Mar 26 Anonyme This is a great cause. Have a great run, Danny! Montant non divulgué
Mar 26 Rory Sinden Best. Godfather. Ever. 50,00 $
Mar 26 Bryce Howchin Go Danny!!!! 100,00 $
Mar 26 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Mar 26 Anonyme Go Danny!! Montant non divulgué
Mar 26 Anonyme Go Dan Go!!!! Montant non divulgué
Feb 11 Anonyme 50,00 $