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Aidez Cheryl à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021


Why I'm Running...

We are raising awareness and funds for

The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre is one of Ontario’s largest and most innovative long-term care homes. Located on a 25-acre campus, it is a unique Seniors Village with 450 long-term care beds, 139 independent-living apartments, and a growing number of clinical, therapeutic and recreational services available on-site.

Faites un don pour soutenir Cheryl et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.


See Me Care!

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 12 Nathaly Castro You got this! 25,00 $
Apr 29 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 28 Anonyme Go for IT Cheryl !! Montant non divulgué
Apr 27 Dion Cochrane Good on you for doing this and you got this!! 50,00 $
Apr 26 Pat & Mary Go Cheryl ! 50,00 $
Apr 26 C. McKenzie Scammell You go my Sista!!! 50,00 $
Apr 26 Jill Austin Way to go Cheryl! You got this! :) 100,00 $
Apr 26 Shane Lafreniere Go get 'em!!!! 25,00 $
Apr 26 Coreen Bouchard This is a great goal Cheryl!! You got this and support you to complete it!!! Montant non divulgué
Apr 26 Breena Go Cheryl!!!! 25,00 $