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Aidez Sharon à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021


Mon histoire…

Sharon and Byron Martin

PIPR is near and dear to our hearts. We are proud to be part of a team of individuals committed to investing in Parkinson’s research to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson‘s today, to honour our loved ones who have passed away and for those who will face this diagnosis in the future.

Faites un don pour soutenir Sharon et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack Virtuel 2021.


Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Jun 06 Barb Willman Hope you enjoyed the walk. 100,00 $
Jun 06 subhas bhargava and uttra Bhargava Best wishes, Sharon and Byron for a worthy cause. I remember my Dad on such occasions 500,00 $
Jun 04 Peter and Edie Fisher Best of luck have a great run! 100,00 $
Jun 04 Sandy and John Thanks to Sharon and Byron for their wonderful support of this important cause. 100,00 $
Jun 04 Jim and Sam durrell Sharon and Byron - exciting series of walks and for a wonderful cause , I feel ‘thinner ‘ already .go get’em kids Jim and ‘Sam ‘ 250,00 $
Jun 02 Anonyme 100,00 $
Jun 02 Mike Baine Happy to support 2 great friends in this important cause. Impressive walking goal ! May I join you on one ? 100,00 $
Jun 02 Carol Badenoch Thank you, Sharon and Byron for my friends who need your effort. 50,00 $
Jun 02 Dave & MJ 100,00 $
Jun 01 Bob & Lynne In support of dear friends and in memory of my father. 150,00 $