Notre histoire…
Inspired by Denis, his love of Pink Floyd, and a good long walk, we have named our team: Which one’s Pink?
We are committed to raising funds for a worthy organization that has made such a difference to our family. The University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) has been a literal lifesaver for the Fortin family and we are on a mission to move and give back.
You can learn more about how donor dollars make a difference at the UOHI here:
Membres de l’équipe
Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.
Denis Fortin
Montant recueilli : 200,00 $
Justin Fortin
Montant recueilli : 200,00 $
Dylan Fortin
Montant recueilli : 100,00 $
Capitaine de l’équipe
Bridget Whitely
Montant recueilli : 75,00 $
Ashley Vekeman
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Keegan Griffiths
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Melissa Vekeman
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Robb Barnes
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
Mar 28 | Melissa Vekeman | Montant non divulgué |
Mar 25 | Ann and Doug | Montant non divulgué |
Mar 16 | Anonyme | 500,00 $ |