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Help us raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2021

Why We Run...

The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre is one of Ontario’s largest and most innovative long-term care homes. The centre enables seniors and veterans to live life to the fullest.

The Radar and Communications Systems (R&CS) team, or “R&CS for Perley Vets”, was created as part of the DGAEPM Perley Vets fundraising campaign. Our goal is to walk or run to raise awareness and donations to help improve the quality of life of our WWII and Korean War veterans currently residing at the Perley Rideau Centre.

Please share this link with family and friends and support R&CS members who are walking or running for our veterans.


Le centre de santé des anciens combattants Perley et Rideau est l’un des foyers de soins de longue durée le plus progressistes de l’Ontario. Le centre permet aux aînés et aux anciens combattants de vivre pleinement leur vie.

L’équipe du Systèmes de radar et de communication (SR&C), ou “SR&C for Perley Vets”, a été créé dans le cadre de la campagne de charité du DGGPEA pour le Centre Perley et Rideau. Notre objectif est de marcher ou courir pour récolter des fonds et augmenter la sensibilisation du centre Perley Rideau. Ceci dans la but d’améliorer la qualité de vie de nos anciens combattants de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée.

Veuillez SVP partager ce lien avec vos amis et votre famille et supporter les membres de SR&C qui marchent ou courent pour nos vétérans.


Register for the event of your choice here: (BONUS: Perley Rideau receives a $5 donation when you use this link to register so make sure to share with your friends and family who also want to sign-up!) Watch this video to see how easy it is to sign up today!

We're Going the Distance for Seniors Care

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

See Me Care!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 26 Anonymous No particular messages. $500.00
May 26 Dave Anderson $100.00
May 26 James Frage Undisclosed amount
May 26 DAEPM R&CS $100.00
May 26 Gilles Nadon Go R&CS go! great fundraiser. Helps these Perley Vets. Great cause! $25.00
May 26 Jonathan R $100.00
May 16 Jason Towle $25.00
May 15 Anonymous Good luck tomorrow! Undisclosed amount
May 12 Nathaly Castro You got this! $25.00
May 04 Doug McKee $50.00