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pour notre participation à l’événement Captain Canada Run - Virtual Edition



Welcome to my Team Fundraising Page!

I am participating in the Captain Canada Run in support of Make-A-Wish® Canada

Make-A-Wish® Canada works with communities across the country to provide children with critical illnesses the opportunity to realize their most heartfelt wish. 

Thousands for wishes have been delayed because of the pandemic, but we’re still granting wishes, and you can help us make an immediate difference with your donations and support. For wish children and families, – finding hope in challenging circumstances is something they have been doing long before anyone heard the word “lockdown.” Robbed of the simple joys of childhood, hospital stays, doctor’s visits and painful treatments are their “normal.” Your support will help to make sure that when life returns to normal, no child will have to wait for their already-delayed wish.

Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Jul 14 Raytheon ELCAN 30,00 $
Jul 07 Anonyme 108,31 $