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Help Lindsey raise money

For participating in NAJA Foundation Virtual 5K

My Story…

JA of Brookhaven - 5K Walk / Run 

Come Join JA of Brookhaven for the NAJA Foundation 5K Walk / Run either virtually (see virtual details below) or in person on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. that will be held in downtown Brookhaven. The race will start and finish on South Whitworth Street in front of Trustmark Bank.

 All donations go directly to National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Foundation.  The NAJA Foundation is the fundraising arm which supports all Junior Auxiliary Chapters to do their hands-on service by awarding grants, providing educational speakers at the Annual Education Conference, and supporting other Association activities.

Virtual 5K Race / Run Instructions:

This is the first-ever VIRTUAL NAJA Foundation 5K! It’s a three-day race, beginning at 12 a.m. April 2, and you have until 11:45 p.m. April 5 to cross the finish line. Let’s make this a fun competition for each Chapter’s provisional, active, associate and life members and a great way to celebrate JA Week.
Here’s how it works: Sign up for the 5K run or walk here
 and pay your $25 registration fee, which includes a unique Foundation race T-shirt. Run or walk your 5K at any point during the three-day race, then enter your time online. That will generate your “finisher” certificate and the Foundation’s thanks for sustaining its programs! 

Donate to help Lindsey raise money for NAJA Foundation Virtual 5K’s fundraising campaign.