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Help Sheila raise money

For participating in 6th Annual Dashing Through the Square 5K Run/Walk and 1K Kids Rudolph Race

My Story…

Please help me raise money for the PEARL foundation as we work to improve the lives of those 8 to 80 and beyond in Cobb County, Georgia.  I'm extremely PROUD to report that a portion of the funds raised through the PEARL foundation will fund College Scholarships for young women in Cobb and Marietta schools.  Last year, we funded over $37,00 in scholarships and we want to fund no less this year, so with your help and support we can make this happen!!   Did I mention that college scholarships are only a fraction of the programs that the PEARL foundation funds annually? Thank you for your support!

Donate to help Sheila raise money for 6th Annual Dashing Through the Square 5K Run/Walk and 1K Kids Rudolph Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Dec 12 Patrice Frazier $54.10
Dec 10 ROSEMARIE NORMENT Sheila Fleming, thank you for your work in this great fund raiser! Best to you all! $54.10
Dec 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 26 Theo & Talyna Moody Family Education has always been priority in our family. We are so proud that you are continuing our grandparents family legacy! Congrats Cuz. $107.35
Nov 23 Lois Morris Congratulations niece/Soror I am so proud of you. Love you, Lois 💗💚 $54.10
Nov 23 Kristal M Washington Way to go cousin/Soror!!! Happy to support and good luck!!! 💗💚 $54.10
Nov 23 Owens Family Go mom!! $54.10
Nov 23 Paces Walk Soror Congrats Soror Shelia! Soror Denine $107.35
Nov 23 Marshall Shepherd Good luck $27.48
Nov 23 Soror Liz Cohen Happy to support Soror Shelia! $20.00