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Help us raise money

For participating in LUNGSTRONG Virtual 5K Run & 1.5 Mile Walk

Our story…

In honor of Mark Aldrich and the many others with lung cancer.  

Photo credit:  Doc Aldrich slides, presumably Lake Superior.

A bit about this organization ... I've admired for years LungStrong, founded by Diane Legg, whom I met years ago as she mentored me in sales.  16 years ago, Diane thought she pulled a muscle after lifting her toddler son, to be then diagnosed with lung cancer.

To be a survivor beyond the odds and life expectancy, Diane has pushed for earlier diagnosis (and got that passed and reimbursable), educated and supported thousands (did you know 30% with lung cancer never smoked!, continues to participate in medical trials, and raised three amazing sons.  As for LungStrong fundraising, this organization gives 100% of donations (no admin fees) directly to medical research at Massachusetts General Hospital and Dana Farber Research, resulting in $3M raised just through her own teams, efforts,  advocacy, and laugh.

Thank you for considering a donation to this direct to research donation.  

Help us raise money for LUNGSTRONG

Team members

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Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Mom & Dad Mark - Forever Strong $52.75
May 05 Ellen Klee Undisclosed amount
May 04 Ellen van Oostenbrugge Undisclosed amount