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Help Anne raise money

For participating in ASICS Blue Jean Mile



With so many people affected by mental illness in these unpredictable times, will I let any obstacle stand in my way? No way! That’s why I’m participating in the ASICS Blue Jean Mile in support of NAMI-NYC. It’s my turn to do something powerful about achieving Mental Health for All. 


NAMI-NYC Builds Better Lives by providing support, education and advocacy programs for family members and individuals living with mental illness. As a mental health leader in New York City, NAMI-NYC provides the most comprehensive family and peer support system. 

I'm running the Blue Jean Mile to to promote awareness and raise funds to support NAMI-NYC's free-of-charge services for families, and help build community by letting people know they are not alone.  


Thank you for supporting me by MAKING A DONATION! It’s easy, fast, and secure to do right here on my page.