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Help Darcey raise money

For participating in Global GEMS Day Virtual 5K Walk/Run

Help Raise Funds for our GEMS Club!

For the past 3 years I have been volunteering with GEMS Girls Club Bridgeport, a  ministry of my church New Vision International Ministries.  The mission of GEMS is to bring girls into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ!  We are having a walk this year to raise money for our club for materials and supplies. Will you please consider a donation to our club or even joining us on the walk day or even virtually?



Global GEMS Day Virtual 5K Run/Walk is an event aimed at raising awareness of, and funding for, the work of GEMS around the globe. You can help our club raise funds by participating. For every participant, our club will receive $5. This will help our club cover our dues next season, purchase curriculum for the girls, and participate in a variety of faith-filled activities that will help girls grow in their faith.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 26 A GEMS Friend We are so excited to be supporting this wonderful girls ministry! $27.48