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Help Chelsea & Sophia raise money

For participating in Virtual Perogy Run

My Story…

Chelsea and Sophia are back for the Perogy Run! Help us raise money for all our friends at the Movement Centre!

Donate to help Chelsea & Sophia raise money for Virtual Perogy Run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 11 Auntie Jackie $16.03
Jun 21 Anonymous $53.41
Jun 21 Justin Rowan $26.71
May 25 Grandma and Grandpa $26.71
May 19 Auntie Chickee So when will you be delivering the Sauerkraut Perogies? $16.03
May 19 Auntie Peggy Run like your tail is on fire. $16.03
May 19 Lots of Love Gramma Get along little perogies get along. $26.71
May 18 Jamma! $53.41
May 13 Grammy & Steve We're wishing you good luck and a lot of fun! $53.41
May 12 (in memory of) Nolan Janzen Love you guys! $53.41