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Help Rahim raise money

For participating in 2021 pride & remembrance run

My Story…

Some of you may remember a couple years back when I decided, while going on weekly runs, that I may in fact actually hate running. Yes, the runner's high was nice, but the amount of work and pain it took to get there...yeah, no thanks!

Well...looks like I spoke too soon because I've signed up for this year's Pride 5K! Why you might ask? Like all of us, I've spent far too much time indoors due to COVID. Now that it's Pride month I want to do something for my queer community. The Pride & Remembrance Run is a fundraiser for Toronto LGBTQ+ organizations such as ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services). Organizations like ACAS are close to my heart because like many of you, I have friends living with HIV and ACAS provides legal, financial, immigration, and healthcare services to those with HIV going through a tough time. 100% of the donations go these charities.

Help me help people living with HIV through this Pride run! Any amount helps, and donations $20 and up will be given a tax receipt. Also, I run like a turtle so we can laugh about it together as I get to the finish line!  

Donate to help Rahim raise money for 2021 pride & remembrance run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 23 Lauren Munro $105.65
Jun 17 Jason Wong Undisclosed amount
Jun 11 Anonymous Crush it like everything else you do👊🏼♥️ Undisclosed amount
Jun 10 Lauren Baljeu $105.65
Jun 09 Nabeela Virjee & Brian Willsey Proud of YOU! Love you. $105.65
Jun 09 Natasha Klemm $52.83
Jun 09 Marisa Maniezzo Yay!! Have a great time :) $31.70
Jun 09 Nadia V $31.70
Jun 09 Amaan $100.00
Jun 09 Katie Ford 🌈 $26.41