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Help LiLiT raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

I learned about AIM a few years back from founder Suki Choi. The actual emotional breakthrough for me was when I saw the autistic child actually speaking on the stage in front of hundreds of people, a child who couldn’t go out for a walk from her own house before getting AIM’s therapy services… I realized that AIM’s work is huge, if not irreplaceable, in our society in helping children with autism to overcome barriers and be part of our society. 


It’s astonishing to learn that 1 in 66 children are diagnosed with autism in Ontario and approximately 23,000 children are on the waitlist for funding to receive treatment. These children live in our communities and they deserve the chance to be part of it. AIM is doing tremendous work to help children access autism therapy services regardless the funding. The AIM staff and volunteers are working to provide subsidized programs to children with autism to get the therapy in early years when it’s most effective. For years AIM has been working towards opening a school for Children with Autism which is now a reality. And AIM needs your help in reaching their goal of $88,000 to ensure their students are in a safe environment in the new school and getting professional help they need to develop their full potential. Every child deserves the chance to…dream, learn, shine.


“The highest result of education is tolerance” – Hellen Keller 


At AIM, we always seek for the highest possible results in empowering our community with equitable access to a meaningful education. When individuals from all walks of life can experience and learn from new perspectives, experiences, ways of life, cultures, and countries, we start to dissolve the invisible barriers that can keep us socially distant.  


Different does not mean less. A community that accepts and tolerates each other’s differences demonstrates compassion and the strength of unity. 


The back-to-school season that we expect every September has always been stressful for many families. Going back to school this September during an ongoing pandemic will be even more stressful, especially for students with autism/autistic individuals, since our education systems will be operating with multiple uncertainties and limited resources. This is why AIM is starting a private elementary school this September, called AIM Without Limits, to empower students and families with a meaningful education option that is delivered with the utmost care and efficacy. 


 The AIM Without Limits program is the foundation we have built for and with our autistic learners/children with Autism. AIM provides programming, support, and services that young autistic children/ children with autism can use to accomplish their individual goals, regardless of their family’s financial situation.  


We want to grow with our children and continue to provide them equal opportunity to learn and reach their potential. This is why AIM Without Limits School for Children with Autism will be opening this September! 


AIM Without Limits School will offer programs for children from Kindergarten to Grade 8 with Ontario Certified Teachers, Applied Behaviour Analysts and Therapy Team, Psychologist, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and more. Built into the programming will be Life Skills programs, which include skills like learning to wash and fold laundry, using public transit, and money and banking skills. Vocational Programs, Afterschool Programs which include; yoga, arts/music and homework club, and a Best Buddy system will also offer opportunities to interact with neurotypical peers, in order to develop meaningful friendships in a safe environment. 


This is a huge endeavour for AIMwe know with your help we can achieve our goal of $88,000.00 ensuring our students are receiving the best education possible! 


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 LiLiT Homes $5,000.00
Sep 17 Anabel & Vaheh Satourian $500.00