My Story…
It took 20 years for me to be diagnosed with endometriosis and for the last 10 years I’ve been telling people that’s what I had, because I knew. I knew my organs were being destroyed by this disease and I couldn’t do anything about it. Well I could, but no one listened to me. In November 2019 my health started to decline even more. For the next 18 months I started vomiting pretty much every day. I also started getting treated for chronic bladder infections, and high blood pressure. All whist trying to excel in my career. I was repeatedly told by various doctors that there was nothing wrong with me. I began to believe them. What if this was psychosomatic? However my doctors just kept piling on the meds. Pain in your lower back? Have some muscle relaxers! Etc.
I was delirious from the pain, exhausting from the vomiting.
Finally 14th April 2021 I went to emerge in Windsor. And after twelve hours waiting, expecting to get sent home like normally did, they said “I don’t think you understand how serious this is Ms. Pearce”
“What do you mean I’m nearly in kidney failure? What do u mean I need extensive surgery to unblock my ureters?”
It’s been a long journey since then.
Endometriosis is considered a disease that doesn’t kill. It had invaded my urinary tract system so hard that it had completely blocked both ureters. Causing hydronephrosis. The UTI’s were from the huge mass in my bladder, that mimicked the same symptoms. And the vomiting was because my kidneys were blocked.
The urologists in Windsor saved my life.
I had turned to The Endometriosis Network Canada to help me find an excision specialist in January 21.
luckily I had gotten a referral. So the urologists, called him. And they all worked together to give me the best quality of life moving forward.
Brendan and I are taking part in the “Run to End Endo” as we need to bring awareness so what happened to me doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Donate to help Laura raise money for The Endo Network's Run To End Endo™ 2021’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Aug 23 | Karen Grace | CA$22.43 |
Aug 21 | Colette Papp | CA$25.00 |
Aug 21 | Michelle Grigg | CA$50.00 |
Aug 19 | Madeleine Duxbury | CA$27.80 |
Aug 19 | Allen Levack | CA$54.63 |
Aug 19 | Kevin and Barb Baker | CA$54.63 |
Aug 19 | Judith und Bernd | CA$54.63 |
Aug 19 | Andrea, John and Neave | CA$54.63 |
Aug 19 | Chelsea | CA$54.63 |
Aug 19 | Olivia and Jack | Undisclosed amount |