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Help Susanne raise money

For participating in Fighting Parkinson’s Step by Step 5K

My Story…

Hello Friends,

I am proudly participating and fundraising for the Parkinson's Association 5K on August 21st in order to help slow the effects and find a cure for this crippling disease. Too many of my close friends are facing its' grips now, including one of my nearest and dearest homies, coolest most generous dude ever - Elliott Rabin.

Elliott's story:

"About 5 years ago I received a diagnosis that I had Parkinson's. 

Slowly I began to feel changes. When I talked it was a whisper, when I wrote it was so small no one could read my writing. When I tried to get my credit card out of my wallet it was a challenge. 

It is not just the uncontrollable shaking. With this disease the brain lies to the muscles. It and little gremlins, decide each day which, if any, or all, of the symptoms you will experience each day. How about a slouch with a blank look on your face? Toss in some vertigo and you believe you are on Everest. Every day is different.

I had just beat prostate cancer, was remodeling our house, and sold the business. I was planning on surfing into the sunset and traveling with my wife as we grew older. But I could no longer balance on my surfboards and couldn't catch waves. 

Physical Therapy and exercise along with a cocktail of meds is helping and I hope to get back on my board again!"

PD- Parkinson's Disease. No cure, No dying from PD -But you can slow the progressive effects on your brain and body. 

Join us on August 21 and walk with us to find a cure!


Donate to help Susanne raise money for Fighting Parkinson’s Step by Step 5K’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 23 Steve Grady Thank you for doing this! Undisclosed amount
Aug 21 Marjan daneshmand We love team Elliott ♥️ $107.35
Aug 21 Yuri Reese My thoughts are with you Elliot Undisclosed amount
Aug 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 19 Marcia J Rohrbaugh Good luck team Elliott and prayers to everyone fighting the daily battle. Love, Marcia $107.35
Jul 20 Joan Waitt $1,000.00
Jul 20 Barbara Helms Undisclosed amount
Jul 20 Annette Maseda Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Susanne Rohrbaugh Go Team Elliott!! Undisclosed amount