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Help Andrea raise money

For participating in 2021 Pick up the Pace Virtual Race for Mental Health

My Story…

Up and Running was my introduction to the Guelph community. At a time when I needed to forge new connections and friendships, and stay mentally and physically healthy, it came through. I’ve made lifelong friendships and since joined the Board of Directors. Join me in supporting Up and Running as we strive to increase our impact in the community and reach more women who could benefit from nature-based activity. Now more than ever, our mental health needs nature! 

Donate to help Andrea raise money for 2021 Pick up the Pace Virtual Race for Mental Health’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 31 Valerie Gunn Undisclosed amount
Aug 31 Ashley Dunford Thanks for creating awareness for such an important cause. CA$22.43
Aug 30 Rachel Rapaport Beck CA$108.31