My Story…
Charlotte Anne Warren was born on September 15th by emergency c-section, she was quickly rushed to CHEO after having several seizures. After 3 days of cooling, it was determined that Charlotte had a not-compatible-with-life brain injury and would not survive. We made the difficult decision to remove Charlotte's life support. At one week old we finally got to hold her, and have family pictures taken. We knew our time was going to be brief once it was removed. We moved from CHEO to Roger Neilson House to live out what were supposed to be Charlotte's final hours, however Charlotte had other plans! We lived to see many 'firsts' in our 37 days at RNH. Charlotte Anne Warren passed away at 44 days old on October 28th 2017.
Roger Neilson House was and continues to be an important place to our family.
Donate to help Anne-Marie raise money for Butterfly Run Ottawa’s fundraising campaign.