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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

This is HUMANCARE. You can help reinvent the patient care experience.

When people think of their health-care experience, they think of long wait times, harsh lighting and cold rooms. They think of being unheard and uninvolved in decisions about their care. They think of getting lost in a frustrating system. And it’s that much worse for those experiencing disadvantage.

Nearly 70% of Canadians say the system needs an overhaul, and we don’t disagree. That’s why, along with our patients and their families, we’re launching HUMANCARE – a $1-billion movement to reinvent Canada’s patient experience.

Because we are St. Michael’s, and we stop at nothing.  

The Pillars of HUMANCARE: 

THE BEST CARE when, where and how patients need it.

RESEARCH that prevents disease and customizes treatment.

EDUCATION that turns learning on its head.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION for faster and more precise care.


Help raise essential funds for HUMANCARE, a health-care experience where patients and their loved ones feel comforted when they’re at their most vulnerable, connected to the team who cares for them, and confident in their treatment – no matter who they are or where they come from.

Please support today. You'll help our health-care teams deliver the patient experience all Canadians deserve.