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Help Teresa raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Here is a short video to summarize the fruits of our labour in the past 12 months and an eBook to share the details and fruits of our work in different ministry dimensions.

Year-in-Review: >>> 


We are very grateful that some generous donors have provided a matching fund of $40,000 CDN for our Toronto "Walk with God" walkathon/marathon. Our shared mission to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth is only made possible and sustainable through your unwavering support. Be our partner! Take this opportunity to double the impact of your generosity! Please sponsor me!




Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 14 Paul Yeung Thank you for your companionship on this evangelization journey!! Undisclosed amount
Oct 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 11 Anonymous $54.63