My Story…
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of World Vision Australia and every donation will help. I am doing this challenge as my right of passage for school to show that I am committed and capable of passing through to year 11 from year 10. This challenge consists of not eating any food or special drinks in the space of 40 hours. My journey starts on the 27th of August but all donations are welcome beyond that to help out those in need.
Donate to help Maggie raise money for World Vision Australia - 40hr Famine’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Aug 27 | The Easton’s | $22.42 |
Aug 24 | Nanna | $43.74 |
Aug 23 | Sue Vos | $22.42 |
Aug 23 | Dan & Kylie | $22.42 |
Aug 22 | Mum & Dad | $54.40 |