My Story…
Did you know that an Acquired BraIn Injury (ABI) is more commonly known as Concussion, and that it is present in 1 person out every 24? Maybe, because you might have suffered one. While the injury that I suffered was bad, I'm unable to walk unassisted, I have a speech impediment, and the right side of my body is less responsive than my left, but on the whole I'm actually kind of grateful that the physical aspects what happened show people that I'm disabled. Many others aren't able to thought-process as they did before, but to anyone looking at them, they look "fine". I started BrainSTRONG to help the charities that support individuals who suffered an ABI, can't live on their own, but don't visually appear any different than anyone else. I'm setting a goal of $1,000, because this is the first event for BrainSTRONG. I've no idea what will happen fundraising-wise, but I believe in what will happen.
Donate to help raise money for the BrainStrong Network of Canada Fund held at the Ottawa Community Foundation.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Nov 18 | Robert Wein | $54.63 |