Mon histoire…
I'm running to support practice changing research for mental health at The Ottawa Hospital through the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI).
I arrived here in August 2020 with a vision to develop and engage in interdisciplinary, team-based research with real potential to improve the care we provide. Last year our team raised 20K, which after a competition funded a research project led by Marco Solmi, M.D., Ph.D. to fund mental health research surrounding the pandemic. Information about that project can be found at: This year, we hope to raise 10K to support another project. To help us select projects likely to change practice, we have created a three-person committee of a patient advocate, a family advocate and a clinician to determine how these funds are spent with input from the OHRI Methods Centre. Ninety percent of proceeds will fund clinical research in our department.
Faites un don pour soutenir Jess et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa.
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
May 29 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
May 27 | Emily Fernandes | Montant non divulgué |
May 27 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
May 25 | Leslie Carpenter | 27,80 $ |
May 25 | Anonyme | 108,31 $ |
May 25 | Anonyme | 500,00 $ |
May 24 | Shanna | 54,63 $ |
May 24 | Anonyme | 269,32 $ |
May 24 | Hailey Jin | 108,31 $ |
May 01 | Hélène | 108,31 $ |