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Aidez Monica à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa


Mon histoire…

On February 4, 2012, I led the organization of the ORCC's first spinathon. 

The next year, I promised everyone in my network that I would get spin for three hours, in order to raise $3000. And I did it! 

It's now over 10 years later. A lot has changed, as we all know. But one thing is the same as it ever was: sexual and gender-based violence continues to affect people from all walks of life. And if anything, the pandemic has exacerbated the situation. 

It is unacceptable to me that so many people in our community cannot get the help they need because of a lack of funding. So this year, I'm joining ORCC's team for the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend. It has been just over one year since I became very ill with COVID, but I've come a long way. I'm really happy that I'm now well enough to participate in the 5K (ok, I'll be walking, but hey, cut me a little slack ;))

Doing this walk this year means a lot to me. I've decided to set a goal of raising $5000 for ORCC. Yes, it seems audacious. But I raised $3000 over a decade ago, and we all know that things just cost more these days. So, $5000 it is. I really hope my network will help me get there! 

Faites un don pour soutenir Monica et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 28 Taran Chohan Great work Mon. Sending love and strength to survivors. Montant non divulgué
May 28 Megan O. 27,80 $
May 28 Glennys Egan Sending the best vibes to Monica and the whole ORCC board <3 50,00 $
May 28 Anonyme 1 611,14 $
May 28 Mike Torunian 54,63 $
May 20 Mom 269,32 $
May 20 Jessica Thank you for everything you do Monica! 269,32 $
May 14 Carolyn McMaster 108,31 $
May 03 Brian Toller 108,31 $
May 02 Sharon Reid 108,31 $