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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022

My Story…

During my Master's placement I had the opportunity to see first-hand the important work that Cornerstone does as well as how huge the need is for emergency and supportive housing for women. Not having stable housing makes every single other part of your life difficult, and unhoused women in particular are at an elevated risk of being victimized. With housing of all kinds becoming increasingly unaffordable and with the instability of the pandemic there is a greater need than ever for the many services that Cornerstone provides. Any donation amount is very much appreciated!


Cornerstone Housing for Women provides emergency shelter and safe affordable housing to over 200 women every day. We help women build a meaningful life that fits their individual needs. We strive to increase affordable housing and to end homelessness. We are committed to public education and advocacy. We believe that all women deserve the chance to heal in peace, and to live with dignity. With you by our side, we’re making Ottawa a better place for women. Please join us to provide dignified affordable housing to vulnerable women in Ottawa by signing up to run for Cornerstone!    

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 25 @SwiftyPaddler I am inspired by your ongoing effort to help women in need, this being just one more way! $108.31
Apr 23 Caroline Ostrom Go Jessie!!! $54.63
Apr 21 Barbara Weaver $50.00
Apr 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 20 Marcelo López de Aragón $27.80
Apr 20 Jeffrey Territo $27.80
Apr 20 Patricia Reilly-King Best of luck in your race! Undisclosed amount
Apr 20 Anonymous $54.63
Apr 20 Charles S 🥰 $108.31
Apr 18 Anonymous $54.63