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Aidez Aiden à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa


Why I'm Running...

This is the second year that I am running with my mom, Samantha Hallgren who works at the Perley. I enjoyed it last year and can’t wait to do it again.

This year my goal is to raise money for the Perley foundation and all the veterans and residents that live there.

Faites un don pour soutenir Aiden et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa.

See Me Care!

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 27 Trudy & Garth Way to go Aiden; great cause! 54,63 $
May 17 alain paulin 54,63 $
May 16 Dave Hallgren 100,00 $
May 16 The Dalebozik Family Happy to support you and the rest of the Perley team! You should be really proud of yourself! Great cause! 54,63 $
May 07 Jaxon Hallgren Hey big brother, So proud of you for running a 5km to support the Perley. Love Jaxi 54,63 $