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Aidez Genevieve à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa


Mon histoire…

Dear Brigitte, you were such a bright light!!! Thank you for all the laughs on our years together on LPG and Hot Pork. You will be sorely missed, and this one's for you <3


ADJUST YOUR SAILS - in honour of Brigitte Lavigne


"She stood in the storm, 

and when the wind did not blow her way,

she adjusted her sails"

"Elle se tenait dans la tempête,

et quand le vent ne soufflait pas dans sa direction,

elle a ajusté ses voiles" 

– Elizabeth Edwards

(le français suit...)

Even though she exercised regularly, ate well, and never smoked, Brigitte Lavigne was blind-sided by a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis in 2020.  At 46 years of age and with a young family at home, she was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, a cancer that usually starts in the glandular cells found in the outer layer of the lungs.  


As an avid runner, Brigitte has run in the Ottawa Race Weekend for 15 years, participating in the 5K, 10K and half marathon events. Since her diagnosis, she devoted much energy to promoting the importance of early detection, the need for ongoing research, and the need to erase the stigma associated with Lung Cancer. Her message is quite simple: "Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer."


Last year, even an incurable lung cancer diagnosis didn't prevent Brigitte from participating in the Tamarak Ottawa Race Weekend, one of her favourite spring events.  She personally raised $8,425, while her team raised a grand total of $34,850 for Lung Cancer Canada.


Our team's goal this year is to honour Brigitte in a meaningful way by continuing to raise awareness and funds for lung cancer research.  


It has been said that the world needs more people like Brigitte. We are all so proud of the extremely positive attitude Brigitte has shown throughout her life and illness.  She has inspired others to face their own challenges with courage.  Through the White Ribbon Project, Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, and Lung Cancer Awareness Month at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital, Brigitte's tireless effort in support of Lung Cancer research and awareness is truly amazing.  She has been featured in news articles, has donated her cells to the University of Colorado for their ROS1 cancer model project, and is to have a research program named in her honour that will focus on Research Advocacy on Novel Therapeutics for Resistance Mutations.


To honour Brigitte and her legacy, please consider joining our team to walk or run 5 km for Brigitte, or sponsor a team member with a donation to Lung Cancer Canada. 

Faites un don pour soutenir Genevieve et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 26 Jean-Yves Daigle 27,80 $
May 26 Heather Adams Go G! My sincere condolences on your friend. 50,00 $
Apr 17 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 17 Jared Benoit Good for you G. Total respect. Montant non divulgué
Apr 17 Stevie Withers 54,63 $
Apr 17 Anonyme For your 5k run. No need to publish my name or give me any credit. 50,00 $
Apr 17 Jeff Hunt 54,63 $
Apr 16 Genevieve Daigle For Brigitte <3 54,63 $