Mon histoire…
CANCERVERSARY>we acknowledged 4 yrs of brain, lung and leg on March 30th. During this period Jan had 2 stints in hospital, multiple rounds of chemo, immunotherapy and radiation. Recently 12 more hospital days with 3 in ICU with covid pneumonia. This again was a very watchful period for us.
Through it all her spirit is strong and she feels as young as the early 60's. I am asking you to sponsor me (us) in 2 planned walks. A 5k and then a 2k with Jan's Ottawa Circle Lung Cancer Support Group. This group has provided the words, laughs, cries, hugs and strength for Jan to face her cancer challenges.
Faites un don pour soutenir Carl et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement La fin de semaine des courses Tamarack d’Ottawa.
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
May 02 | David Millar | 108,31 $ |
May 02 | Bill Graham | 27,80 $ |
May 01 | Bev Frizell | 30,81 $ |
Apr 30 | MYLES MORSE | 54,63 $ |
Apr 30 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
Apr 30 | Lorna & David Bickerton | 108,31 $ |
Apr 30 | Anonyme | Montant non divulgué |
Apr 30 | Anonyme | 54,63 $ |
Apr 29 | Ella, James, Kathy & Dwaine | 27,80 $ |
Apr 29 | Cousin Rick | 108,31 $ |