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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in 4th Annual Brace for the Race 5k

My Story…

Thank you to everyone who is supporting our girl in anyway shape or form! She jas been so strong and brave during all of this. All the casting and braces and doctors visits shes handled like a champ! Thank you to anyone who has donated to help is keep our team and supporters growing. I dont want anyone not be able to register to come show and support us bc of a fee. So we thank everyone in advance. Also we are going to donate to the hospital for such incredible work and other organizations for children as well. We cant wait to see everyone on June 4th! Let's make team #KlubKalianna something to talk about! 

Donate to help Jessica raise money for 4th Annual Brace for the Race 5k’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 08 Anonymous Lil beauty $27.48
Jun 03 Jackie We love you babe! ❤️ $54.10
May 16 Mary OPrey 💗 $27.48
May 15 Sunny Love you Kalianna! 🥰😗😗💗💓💞 $54.10