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Ayuda a Tiffany a recaudar dinero

Para participar en Lucha contra el Parkinson paso a paso 5K caminata.

Mi historia…

As many of my friends and family know, my wife, Debbie, was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2018.  There were signs and symptoms before then, though, and I distinctly remember the night she told me she had a new tremor and I told her that I thought she had Parkinson's.  Though I have significant experience caring for individuals living with Parkinson's Disease in my role as a nurse practitioner, living with a loved one who suffers from a degenerative disease is another story entirely.  As a health care provider, I know how this disease can progress, and that knowledge is sometimes scary.  

Debbie looks great to many who see us frequently, and she is.  But the challenges of Parkinson's aren't always visible. Debbie's lifetime of athleticism has protected her from a lot of the balance issues that many people suffer, at least for now.  We look to diet, medication, and new research findings to help with the non-motor challenges: depression, constipation, dementia, changes to swallowing and voice, the likelihood of hallucinations as the disease progresses.

Please consider donating any amount to support research that helps Debbie and others live more meaningfully with Parkinson's Disease. Wouldn't we all love to see her able to run and walk these 5K events for many years to come?

Dona para ayudar a Tiffany a recaudar dinero para la campaña de recaudación de fondos de Lucha contra el Parkinson paso a paso 5K caminata..

Donantes recientes

Fecha de la donación Nombre del donante Importe de la donación
Apr 08 Anne & Ame Strength and love to you both! 54,10 US$
Apr 08 Anónimo Importe oculto
Mar 23 Alan kwok Importe oculto
Mar 22 Jason L Lunday Thanks for making the fight, Tiffany! 107,35 US$
Mar 22 Julie 22,15 US$