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Help Coral raise money

For participating in 2022 Vancouver Half Marathon

Why AutismBC moves me...

Hello! We are the Pimm family. This is our second year running for Autism BC. Our family has utilized many of Autism BC’s programs and this is how we are giving back to the program. Our journey with autism has been made so much easier by the information and programs that Autism BC provides to us. 


Please support me as I participate in the Vancouver Half Marathon Charity Challenge to raise funds for AutismBC — an organization that really matters to me. In British Columbia, 1 in 37 children has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and there are approximately 60,000 children, youth, and adults on the spectrum. AutismBC is a grassroots organization founded in 1975 to empower, support, and connect the autism community in BC. Since their humble beginnings, they have grown to become one of the most trusted non-profit organizations for autism in BCYour donation to my page will go towards helping AutismBC provide barrier-free social connections for BC kids, youth and families, workshops that promote supportive, inclusive communities, and information and resource lines that provide current timely information for people across the province. Thank you for supporting me and helping build a more inclusive society where people on the autism spectrum can live their best lives!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 07 The Pratt-Wintersgill Family I'm proud to support the Pimm Family! Autism BC has great programs & resources that I have used on my own son & Anna, she is a special girl! $267.96
Jun 07 Pimms Produciton Equipment Go Anna!! $267.96
Jun 07 The Mackey Family Hope the weather is nice for your run! $107.72
Jun 03 Angela Thompson $27.60
Jun 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 31 The Richert Family $27.60
May 31 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 30 Pimm Production Services Inc. $107.72