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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in Blue Nose Marathon

My Story…

I'm lucky.  

I've never experienced domestic partner violence.  I've never had to leave my home in a hurry, and worry about finding someplace safe to go where my children and I wouldn't be found.  It's disturbing to me that there is a need for emergency and second-stage housing in this day and age, but the fact of the matter is that it's not just needed, it's vital.  Which is why I've chosen to run in support of Alice House.

Alice House provides second-stage housing for women, children, and female-identifying folx leaving violent home situations.  It helps provide safe, affordable housing 🏡, while also providing counselling and support services.   Alice House helps people break the patterns of violence and abuse in their lives.  Families are able to reclaim their lives and ensure that intimate partner violence does not frame their future or define their legacy.

I started running 🏃🏻‍♀️ back in March with Team Myles.  I had become pretty sedentary over the duration of the pandemic.  I spent all my time in my desk chair or on the sofa.  I gained 30 pounds.  I lost flexibility. More importantly, I lost my sense of self.  

When the opportunity to apply for Team Myles came around this year, I jumped at the chance.  I knew so many people who said the experience was "life changing".  I didn't buy that, but I figured it could only help me to get moving again...Little did I know.

Team Myles has been such an incredible experience.  The people I have learned to run with are inspirational.  They are unfailingly supportive. They are fun, and funny.  They are determined.  I am so glad to have them in my life.  

With the help of Team Myles and our amazing sponsors, I went from running out of breath, to opting in for the Lifemark 5K & the Goodlife 10K Double-Double.  

Team Myles is for me what Alice House is for women leaving violent situations--it's life-altering, it's pattern breaking, and it's Hope.  

Please help me support this amazing Halifax charity by donating what you can.

Donate to help Sarah raise money for Blue Nose Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Anonymous $108.45
May 21 Anonymous $54.72
May 21 Anna Elvidge Each step adds power to our sisters everywhere. $54.72
May 21 Nita Flannigan So proud of you Sarah Delaney &Team Myles $54.72
May 21 Stephanie and Chad ❤️ $54.72
May 21 kim wight $22.47
May 21 Tracy K $25.00