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Help Sara raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

In my 4 years as a Boston College student I have been so lucky to do many amazing things and meet many amazing people- but by far the best decision I made was joining the Campus School community. I have held many positions over the years, most recently serving as Co-President of the Campus School Volunteers. I have had the opportunity to work with many different classrooms and students and one of my greatest joys has come through the buddy program. I have been so fortunate as to have had 2 amazing buddies in my time at the Campus School and to have met so many wonderful students and families. I am inspired every day by their strength and hard work inside and outside of the classroom and while I am not much of a runner, I cannot think of a more worthy cause than for the amazing students of the Campus School. I hope you can understand how incredible the Campus School and its students are and consider donating to aid me in supporting this very special place.

Donate to help Sara raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 21 Eileen Gaughen Good luck, Sara! I’m so proud of you $28.10
Aug 20 Aimee, Uncle, Sean, Jackson, Brendan & Charlotte Go Sara! So proud of you! $55.35
Aug 18 Fein Fam Go Sara go! Love Zoey, Tuna and Pretzel :) $55.35
Aug 18 The Curran Family Go get ‘em, Whiffy! $55.35
Aug 18 William Distefano Good luck Sara!! CS ❤️ $28.10
Aug 18 Audrey mullen So proud of you Sara!! For Elliot 💛 $28.10
Aug 16 Haley Good luck sara!❤️💛 Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Tina Harrington Good luck Sara !! $50.00
Jul 23 The Canavans Good luck Sara!! Run Eagle run!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 21 Jack D $11.75