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Help Carleigh raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Next month, I will be running in the 50th annual Falmouth Road Race in support of Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CfJJ)! As some of you may know, I spent much of my undergrad experience focusing on inequity and the impact of our criminal justice system. From mentoring youth in juvenile detention centers, taking criminal justice courses in a prison alongside men who were incarcerated, and learning about the harm and impact of the system from a developmental neuroscience perspective, my experiences opened my eyes to the lack of transparency on the issues with our system and the opportunity for reform.

Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CfJJ) is the only independent, non-profit statewide organization in Massachusetts that is exclusively focused on advocating for statewide systemic reform that achieves equitable youth justice. CfJJ is an incredible organization that is focused on passing legislature for lasting change and to promote a fair and effective juvenile justice system. A few of the many initiatives they are working on include:

- Keeping kids out of the system unnecessarily by increasing diversion charges so that issues can be worked out through community alternatives 

- Reducing the harm of system involvement with the 'Raise the Age' bill, so that 18 - 20 year olds (who have the highest recidivism rates in the adult system) can be handled in the juvenile system (where they have improved outcomes) 

- Requiring educational programming for all incarcerated young adults to ensure positive outcomes  

I appreciate your support and donations! To learn more about CfJJ please go to

Donate to help Carleigh raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 22 Minnie Burns Undisclosed amount
Aug 02 Jen and Mike Have a great run!!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ $109.85
Jul 28 michele colletti you go car🙌🏼💯 Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Ben & Slaine Go Carleigh!!!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Janet C. Run Carleigh Run! Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Nana and papa We’re so proud of you! Have a great run❤️ $109.85
Jul 28 Nicholas Colletti Go Carleigh!! 🏃‍♀️ Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Jj and Randi Burns Go carleigh !!!! Proud of your efforts to prompt positive change in our world. 🌎 $250.00
Jul 28 HK Run, Carleigh, run! $55.35