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Help Erika raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I'm excited to be running the Falmouth Road Race again this year for Independence House! Independence House is the largest, private, non-profit in Cape Cod that provides much needed support to sexual assault and domestic violence survivors and their families. 

I've been a NY state certified sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) for over ten years now. I love being a SAFE and seeing survivors has taught me so much.. to stop and just listen, to truly be more compassionate, to speak without judgement, and to treat in a way that not only gives them back the power someone else stole from them but also as a way to start the healing process. None of them deserve what happened to them and it's for them that I run. 

My inspiration for this race really comes from my Dad. I aspire to one day be as selfless as he was.

I would be humbled by any donation you can give, even if just $5. Thank you so much!   



Independence House, Inc. offers assistance to residents of all 15 towns on Cape Cod who are survivors, children of survivors, or non-offending family members of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Independence House assistance is accessible at any of our four office locations; in all Cape Cod Probate and District Courts; at Falmouth Police Department; through numerous collaborations, and on the Independence House 24-hour uninterrupted hotline.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 13 Roslyn and Sydney Helfen So glad you are able to do this, Erika. $28.10
Aug 01 Rob S Hopefully we can run together next year!! $109.85
Jul 28 Daisy Kaur Go Erika!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Kate Brainard Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Jonathan Yeo Run mama run! $109.85
Jul 28 Cristin Carey Go Erika!!!!!! Proud of you!!!!! $28.10
Jul 28 Matt Russell $28.10
Jul 27 Jake May your feet be light and your legs be swift $109.85
Jul 26 Toni Go Go Erika. I am so proud of you in helping a very worthwhile organization. $109.85
Jul 24 Ind house Have a great race Undisclosed amount