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Help Elizabeth raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

At the risk of sounding cliché, the Campus School at Boston College gave me more during my 4 years at BC than any other experience. It gave me life-long friendships, exposed me to deep, agapic love and heartbreak, taught me invaluable lessons, and ultimately made me a better human being. There will never be enough words to fully express my love and gratitude for the Campus School.

I am honored to once again be running the Falmouth Road Race in support of the Campus School and I am incredibly grateful for your generosity as I attempt to give back to this place that has given me so much. 

Donate to help Elizabeth raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 20 Amy Eldon Turteltaub Kick it Elizabeth! $109.00
Aug 20 Mom and Dad Go E! You got this!! $273.35
Aug 17 More Venmo donations $200.00
Jul 26 Maura You are amazing! Good luck from all of our crew! 💕 🎉 Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Rini You’re incredible Bizzy!!! Cheering you on from the Midwest 💓 $11.75
Jul 25 Ryan $28.10
Jul 25 Venmo Donations Pt. 1 Abby, Jen, CeCe, Misha, Nye, Lily, Kenya, Tor $91.00
Jul 21 Riley Psenka Go Liz! Amazing woman running for an amazing cause🤗 $11.75
Jul 07 Sara Hernando I am so very proud of you ❤️❤️ Thankful for the CS and our friendship $55.35
Jul 03 Elizabeth Mcdermott Starter donation !!! $109.85