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Help Richard raise money

For participating in NAVY BIKE RIDE 2022

My Story…


Note:  Links to more information throughout.

My Aunt Elsa, pictured with her brothers Frank (left of picture) and "Ossie", my father (right of picture); all served in the Navy during World War II.  This photo was taken at my Grandmother's insistence I am told, February 18, 1944 when they were all home in Ottawa.  My Aunt is a proud "WREN" serving as a real life Agent Carter of Marvel Comics fame as a code breaker, a 'secret listener'.   She received the Bletchley Park (UK) Commemorative Badge for her service,  Many will know Bletchley Park as the setting for the movie the "Imitation Game".  Bletchley Park has included her both in their Roll Of Honour and on their CodeBreakers Wall.  

This year she will celebrate her 100th birthday and the WREN's their 80th anniversary!  I am participating in the "Admiral's Challenge", an 80km bike ride over 10 days in July/August, celebrating this milestone anniversary.  If you want to join the team and ride for her too you are welcome!  The more the merrier is the word from my team captain.  It is $30 to register and you will receive a challenge coin for completion at the 20km, 80km or 207km distance over 10 days at the pace and location of your choice.

My Aunt has been a long time educator telling Canadian's about how women served within the Navy in WWII - as full members of the navy - not an auxiliary.  She has been the guest of royalty, brushed elbows with Prime Ministers, has dropped the puck with Hockey Stars in the family and has been interviewed countless times in TV and print.  Her reply of late to interview requests is 'just google me' - she is rather tech savvy after all, equating the wireless radios she worked with to the wifi of today.  I will save you some time googling and provide a few links.

CBC "The National" ** Global News ** CTV News ** Veterans Affairs Canada ** Former Governor General, the Right Honourable Julie Payette ** Kitchissippi Times 

Please consider making a donation (see top of screen) to support the RCN Benevolent FundSupport Our Troops, and Soldier On to mark this Veteran's 100th Birthday with me. 


Aug 7 - Last day of the challenge and wanted to hit 100KM for my Aunt's 100th Birthday but did not ride in the end.  Unfortunately thunderstorms in my area.  

Aug 6 - Today reached the 82km mark!  Have finished the 80KM challenge.  Stay tuned for more!

Aug 5 - Another day off, just did not have the motivation.

Aug 4 - Took a nice ride today.

Aug 3 - Feeling better today but took the day off to help heal.

Aug 2 - Woke up today very sore, a good sore but sore nonetheless.  After checking on the internet I found that the soreness is a reflection of 'microtears' and that it would build back stronger.  I was advised to go for a short easy ride.  I did so mostly to be able to say I have completed 75% of the ride as of today!  Today's picture is of Canadian Geese crossing my bike path.


Aug 1 - Had a good ride today.  Had more to drink along the way this time and seems to have made the difference.  Was a shorter ride but a more enjoyable one than the previous day.  Now am 3 days AHEAD of the 10 day pace.  Thanks to my sister/brother in law for this photo.


July 31 - Today was NOT a good day.  I went too far and did not hydrate as I should.  I am however at the half way mark after the first weekend with another to come.  My "plan", as much as I had one, was to do the ride over two weekends if all else failed.  The view from Mooney's Bay beach where I sometimes trained when I worked as a lifeguard.


July 30 - Today went better.  I finish the day only a half day behind pace.  The best thing about cycling in Ottawa are the recreation pathways.   A picture of Hogs Back Falls, one of the sights on my way.


July 29 - Day one of the challenge and I completed ... no distance.  My only explanation, despite a reminder from my captain, is laziness.  I have successfully made a 10 day challenge into a 9 day challenge!   Day one and I am 1 day behind the 10 day pace :(   A photo of my Aunt using her bicycle to get around the base during WWII.


 July 2 - Today is my Aunt Elsa's 100th birthday!  She had a quiet birthday with my cousin and the next day a great time at a party organised by her neighbours.  A small group of friends had a picnic a few weeks earlier.  My aunt is a bit of celebrity such that the Canada wide National Newscast included a birthday wish.


May 14 - First real ride of the season since I bought a new bicycle over the winter.  It hurt much more than it should have.  Especially where most of me meets the bike.



This year the Canadian community is coming together virtually to cycle 30,000 rides and take part in our new rides over the summer to support of the women and men who serve our country. 

The aviators, sailors, and soldiers of our Canadian Armed Forces wear the maple leaf as a symbol of pride and patriotism on their uniforms. Each day they wear the maple leaf as they represent and protect our nation at home and abroad. Their families are the strength behind the uniform as they experience frequent moves, lengthy absences, and the risks of family members serving in physically and mentally demanding and dangerous situations.

Canadian Armed Forces members and their families are championed through Support Our TroopsSoldier On, and the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund. You will assist:

  • empower youth to pursue their academic dreams
  • maintain the dignity, independence, and well-being of families during financial hardship
  • send children of military families to camp bringing them a renewed energy and a support network
  • support ill and/or injured members in their rehabilitation and recovery through the transformative power of sport, recreation, and creative pursuits 

Your support is crucial as the need in times of relative peace and heightened conflict, Canadian Armed Forces members keep Canada the peaceful, secure country that we proudly call home.  




Cette année, les Canadiens d’un océan à l’autre s’unissent virtuellement pour réaliser 30 000 randonnées à vélo pendant l’été afin d’appuyer les femmes et les hommes qui servent notre pays. 

Les aviateurs, les matelots et les soldats des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) portent sur leur uniforme la feuille d’érable, symbole de fierté et de patriotisme, alors qu’ils représentent et protègent le Canada, ici et à l’étranger. Leurs familles constituent la force derrière l’uniforme, car elles doivent faire face à des déménagements fréquents, des absences prolongées et à l’inquiétude qui accompagne le service de leur être cher lors de situations dangereuses et exigeantes physiquement et mentalement.

Les membres des FAC et leurs familles bénéficient de l’aide d’Appuyons nos troupes, de Sans limites et de la Caisse de bienfaisance de la Marine royale canadienne. Les fonds recueillis serviront à :

  • habiliter les jeunes à concrétiser leur rêve de poursuivre des études;
  • maintenir la dignité, l’autonomie et le mieux-être des familles lors de difficultés financières;
  • envoyer des enfants de familles de militaires à des camps, leur donnant un regain d’énergie et un réseau de soutien.
  • appuyer la réadaptation et le rétablissement des membres des FAC ayant une maladie et/ou une blessure grâce au pouvoir transformateur du sport, des loisirs et des activités créatives; 

Votre soutien est primordial autant en temps de paix relative qu’en période de conflit accru. Les membres des FAC assurent la sécurité du Canada, cette patrie dont nous sommes si fiers.  

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 31 Richard Lessard Another $100 to celebrate my aunts 100th birthday! $100.00
Jul 31 Tim and Lynda Horn $100.00
Jul 13 Kasey L This is amazing Richard! Good Luck! $22.43
Jul 06 June B. Kellow Good Luck Richard $108.31
Jul 05 John C Best of luck! $27.80
Jul 05 Henry Y $22.43
Jul 05 Team Elsa I am happy to make this donation for $100 to celebrate my Aunt Elsa, a former WREN's 100 birthday this past weekend! $108.31