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Help Shamekia raise money

For participating in 15th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5K Run/Walk

My Story…

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Donate to help Shamekia raise money for 15th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5K Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 14 50.00 Let's go cousin $54.10
Mar 03 Anonymous $54.10
Mar 01 In Honor of Femi $54.10
Feb 24 RRevents RRevents $54.10
Feb 23 E. Lee $20.00
Feb 22 Tosha Reid $107.35
Feb 22 Soror LaTonya Foster $25.00
Feb 22 Brooke Ogunyemi Undisclosed amount
Feb 21 The Light Realty, LLC Good Luck Shamekia! $100.00
Feb 21 Shamekia Bennett Shamekia, A giving heart! Keep striving and helping others. God will continue to bless you! Love much Auntie Joanie $54.10