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Help Chelsea raise money

For participating in Mutt Strut 2022

My Story…

Hello friends!! I’ve signed up for the 6th annual Mutt Strut and I’m asking for your support. By donating any amount you can you can help homeless and injured animals. To donate, simply click the link below. The animals will surly be grateful for all the help, it goes a long way. It's supporters like you that help change the world every day. 💕🐶🐶💕

Donate to help Chelsea raise money for Mutt Strut 2022’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 18 Chelsea CA$27.60
Aug 18 Shannon Undisclosed amount
May 30 Karen Go Chelsea!! Have a great run! CA$40.00
May 20 Margaret Macaulay CA$54.31
May 20 Tavis Pegg CA$81.02