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Help Ginger raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Philadelphia 2022

My Story…

Dear friends: Some disclosure here. My migraines are incurable and an on-going goal is to figure out what will prevent or reduce the level of pain and increase my quality of life. I do my best to avoid triggers in what I eat, light, odors, sound..... It's an everyday battle and some episodes last 4-6 days. I am joining this event on Team "Dr. Young and the Restless." Dr. Young has been my neurologist since I first sought treatment many years ago. To say he is brilliant is an understatement. After all these years, he has yet to give up in helping me manage episodes. If at least 10 people pledge to support me in this walk (or rest), depending on how I am feeling, I will join Dr. Young and dye my super highlights purple to raise migraine awareness. Your donation, however large or small, will be applied to research and hope for some degree of a quality of life for people like me. Thank you in advance!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 Kris Groller $27.48
Sep 20 Leanne ❤️ $25.00