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For participating in Miles for Migraine - Philadelphia 2022

Our story…

Hey fam squad! For those who don't know me, or even those who do, I'm Ashley Bennett, aka smAshley! I'm a proud Delco native who was transplanted to Bucks County for a little bit and then finally found myself landed in Northeast Philly. Purple is my fave color, so I'm super excited that the color of migraine awareness is PURPLE!!!! I've sustained 3 concussions, 2 of which were in the past two years, which led to a diagnosis of Chronic Intractable Migraine. If you want the full concussion story, I'll talk your ear off about it lol. I've spent a lot of time at Bryn Mawr Rehab King of Prussia in Outpatient Neuro Rehabilitation and at Lankenau Medical Center's Headache Center in the past two years to try to bring my brain back to "normal". I'm hoping to fundraise for Migraine research and treatment, especially to help the intractable folks, like me, who are always in pain. Thanks for visiting my team page and keep supporting :)

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 30 Anonymous Good luck! Undisclosed amount
Sep 29 Carol and Claude Bennett $27.48
Sep 29 Kristen Kraunelis Good luck, Ashley! I’m always rooting for you :) $50.00
Sep 28 Anonymous Love you! Good luck at the event! $107.35
Sep 28 Frank Klose $107.35
Sep 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 28 Ashley Sassaman $27.48
Sep 22 Anonymous Wish you all the best for promoting this terrific cause!! You are a very caring individual indeed. -dr chip $20.00
Sep 19 Toby Kawulicz Go Abby! $27.48
Sep 17 Megan ❤️🙏 $100.00