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Help Meredith raise money

For participating in Greater Beverly Indoor Triathlon

Join me - become a Corner Stone Champion!

I currently teach Surf N Flow at the Greater Beverly YMCA as well as a Vinyasa yoga class at the Cape Ann YMCA. I’m teaching a Gentle Fit and Balance class at the Salem YMCA doing low impact cardio, strength/core and stretch. I recently got certified with AEA to teach Aquatic fitness and love teaching to a variety of people. I’m a runner and who believes in cross training. I’m running from Cape Ann YMCA to the Greater Beverly YMCA and back with is roughly a marathon. I’m a prior Y kid and know that the money raised goes directly into my communities. Please support my marathon and kick off the giving season October 8, 2022 at 8am. 


Your gift today makes an impact! All proceeds support the Corner Stone program. To learn more, please click here.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 01 Anonymous I'm proud of you Meredith! KK Undisclosed amount
Mar 30 Kimberley C. Go Meredith!!! $54.10