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Help Dakotah raise money

For participating in Run for Life 2022

My Story…

We are approaching the time for the Run for Life event put on by the Centre for Suicide Prevention and as such I wanted to say a few words about this issue and this event. 


Too often I hear about the heart breaking news of people taking their own lives and too often I feel that there is just so much more that we - as a society and as people - need to be doing about it. 

Every day, an average of more than 10 Canadians die by suicide

This statistic breaks me every single time I read it. That is (more than) ten parents, children, relatives, friends, partners, coworkers (etc.) every single day that could not find the light at the end of their tunnel and could see peace in only one way.

In August 2019, at the age of 26, my cousin Andrew Greer died by suicide and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about “what could I have done differently” or how this could happen to one of the kindest, most gentle people I have ever known. While I recognize the existence of suicide grief -the feeling and wondering about what you could have done to prevent it- and work on that every day, I also recognize the areas in everyday life that can be fixed and changed to support our loved ones and people around us that may be suffering and struggling. I do not have a magic wand that can erase the pain of everyone suffering, but what I do have is an aching but loving heart, a set of ears, a pair of shoulders, a number to contact and a strong will to do everything I can to shine a light into the darkest of corners. 

This event put on by the Centre for Suicide Prevention is my attempt at the following… 

1. Raise money for the Centre to support the resources and efforts to raise awareness for suicide prevention 

2. Talk. Talk to the people in my life that may need that outlet and that beacon of hope. To be available to anyone who needs that person. That reassurance that they are not alone. And to talk myself to those in my life to ensure that I am maintaining my own mental health along this journey as well. 

3. End the stigma. The stigma surrounding suicide can be such a barrier for so many people that prevent them from seeking the help they need and I truly and wholeheartedly believe that until we feel comfortable talking about it how can we really be ready to prevent it. 

4. Educate myself on the issue and shine the bright lights of compassion, love and support into as many dark nooks and crannies of this world that I can. 

I ask that each and every one of you look at my four goals from this event and ask yourself what areas in YOUR life can you help raise awareness towards suicide prevention. Please consider a donation to my team and if you would like to join me for a walk throughout this event (Sept 18-25), I’d love for your company and to chat about how suicide has impacted your life. Moreover, let us remember everyone who has died by suicide in all that they brought to this world, the love we will forever hold for them and to remember to bask in the memories of each and every person affected by this issue. 

Please follow along the event socials (@cspyyc) with the hashtag #runforlife2022. 

Thank you all. 

Dakotah Herron

Boo, this one is for you man. I love you.

Donate to help Dakotah raise money for Run for Life 2022’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 11 Leah Scott Love you Cody! $54.31
Sep 06 Melissa Hunt $54.31
Sep 04 April Philp $107.72
Aug 02 Katie McCarthy $27.60